原著英文 |
Arai E, Parmar VM, Sahu B, Perusek L, Parmar T, Maeda A.
Docosahexaenoic acid promotes differentiation of photoreceptor cells in three-dimensional neural retinas.
Neurosci Res. 2017; 123:1-7. |
Arai E, Baba Y, Iwagawa T, Kuribayashi H, Mochizuki Y, Murakami A, Watanabe S: Ablation of Kcnj10 expression in retinal explants revealed pivotal roles for Kcnj10 in the proliferation and development of Müller glia. Mol Vis. 2015; 21: 148-59. |
Arai E, Fujimaki T, Yanagawa A, Fujiki K, Yokoyama T, Okumura A, Shimizu T, Murakami A. Familial cases of Norrie disease detected by copy number analysis. Jpn J Ophthalmol. 2014; 58(5):448-454. |
Parmar VM, Parmar T, Arai E, Perusek L, Maeda A.
A2E-associated cell death and inflammation in retinal pigmented epithelial cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells.
Stem Cell Res. 2018; 27:95-104. |
Kuribayashi H, Baba Y, Iwagawa T, Arai E, Murakami A, Watanabe S.
Roles of Nmnat1 in the survival of retinal progenitors through the regulation of pro-apoptotic gene expression via histone acetylation.
Cell Death Dis. 2018; 9(9):891. |
Parmar T, Parmar V, Arai E, Sahu B, Perusek L, and Maeda A: Acute stress responses are early molecular events of retinal degeneration in Abca4-/-Rdh8-/- mice after light exposure. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016;57(7):3257-67. |
Palczewska G, Maeda A, Golczak M, Arai E, Dong Z, Perusek L, Kevany B, Palczewski P. Receptor tyrosine kinase MERTK is not required for transfer of bis-retinoids to the retinal pigmented epithelium. J Biol Chem. 2016; 291(52):26937-26949. |
Okumura A, Arai E, Kitamura Y, Abe S, Ikeno M, Fujimaki T, Yamamoto T, Shimizu T. Epilepsy phenotypes in siblings with Norrie disease. Brain Dev.
2015;37(10):978-82. |
Perusek L, Sahu B, Parmar T, Maeno H, Arai E, Le YZ, Subauste CS, Chen Y, Palczewski K, Maeda A. Di-retinoid-pyridinium-ethanolamine (A2E) Accumulation and the Maintenance of the Visual Cycle Are Independent of Atg7-mediated Autophagy in the Retinal Pigmented Epithelium. J Biol Chem. 2015;290(48):29035-44. |
Suzuki T, Fujimaki T, Yanagawa A, Arai E, Fujiki K, Wada Y, Murakami A. A novel exon 17 deletion mutation of RPGRIP1 gene in two siblings with Leber congenital amaurosis. Jpn J Ophthalmol. 2014; 58(6):528-535. |
原著和文 |
新井英介、田村薫、工藤 大介、小倉 加奈子、松本俊二、横山利幸、沖坂重邦、村上晶. 12年前の外傷が起因と思われる下眼瞼に生じた腫瘤の1例. 原著論文. 臨床眼科 (0370-5579)65巻6号 Page935-937(2011.06). |
総説 |
新井英介、前田亜希子、村上晶. Stargardt病に関連した網膜変性疾患と新しい治療の可能性. 日本眼科学会雑誌 総説. 日本眼科学会雑誌 (0029-0203)121巻1号Page7-16(2017.01) |
村上晶、藤巻拓郎、藤木慶子、柳川愛、新井英介、望月祐人、臼井亜由美、渡邉すみ子、松田彰、岩田文乃. 眼疾患と遺伝子 眼科遺伝子診療をめざした遺伝情報解析. 総説. 日本眼科学会雑誌 (0029-0203)118巻3号 Page283-298(2014.03) |
著書 |
OCULISTA 75号 Page9-17(2019.06) |